At 137TalentCare, the focus is on supporting gifted people within your unique cultural and personal environment.
For people with Chinese-Dutch backgrounds, the interplay of cultural expectations and giftedness is naturally woven into the approach, considering the individual’s needs alongside your family, community, and cultural values.
We work with you to find solutions that feel natural and effective within your unique context. Explore more about the support and pricing.
Quick Scan
The 2-hour- Quick Scan session helps parents reflect on their challenges, identify priorities, and create a clear action plan with hands-on tips, focusing on what needs to change, who should act, and actionable next steps.
Deep dive to help parents and children to find their unique path for development and overcome potential obstacles.
Events & workshops
We offer a variety of interactive activities designed to foster learning and connection.
Professional Coaching Rooted in Proven Theories
The coaching approach at 137TalentCare is rooted in a range of well-established models and theories developed by respected experts, ensuring professional and customized guidance. These include but are not limited to:
Giftedness & Talent-Related Theories
- De 7 uitdagingen in het onderwijs aan cognitief getalenteerde kinderen (Tijl Koenderink)
- Profiles of the Gifted and Talented (Betts & Neihart)
- the theory of positive disintegration (Kazimierz DÄ…browski)
- Executive Skills (Peg Dawson & Richard Guare)
Educational & Parenting Frameworks
- Growth and Fixed Mindset (Carol Dweck)\
- Bloom’s Taxonomy (Benjamin Bloom)
- Positive Psychology (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi)
- Situational Leadership (Hersey & Blanchard)
- Attribution Styles (Bernard Weiner)
Cultural Insights
Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory (Geert Hofstede)
- Spiral Dynamics (Don Beck & Chris Cowan)
- de Spiraal van waarden en denken (Max Herold)
- denkfundamenten ontsluierd (Max Herold)
By weaving these frameworks into the coaching process, sessions aim to address complex dynamics, enhance deeper understanding, and provide actionable strategies that are naturally aligned with the needs of each individual and family.
For more insights into how these theories are interpreted and applied, feel free to explore my blog or social media pages.

“Having a twice-exceptional child—gifted with ADHD—was overwhelming for me, and I sought help from Ms. Wang. Over the course of 10 counseling sessions, Ms. Wang provided invaluable guidance that helped me better understand my son and tackle our specific challenges. We worked on practical solutions for issues like chronic tardiness to school, improving communication with my child, and understanding the Dutch school system, including interactions with teachers and support organizations.
Ms. Wang also noticed the emotional struggles of my elder son during this critical period, jeopardizing his high school graduation. Her support encouraged us to reflect on our own behavior, learn to trust our son, avoid conflict, and step back when needed. Shortly after that my elder son has successfully graduated and is now pursuing his dream degree at university. We’re deeply grateful to Ms. Wang for walking this journey with us.”
A Mother of an 11 year old highly gifted boy (Chinese family)
"I, a full-time mother, occupied with household chores, the elderlycare , children nurture. However, these efforts often go unrecognized by those close to me. Instead, elders criticize me for lacking financial independence, which weighs heavily on my spirit, leaving me unable to find joy in life.
I cannot share this pain with my family, turning to friends for solace instead. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to talk with Coach Lei. She guided me to explore my innermost needs without judgment, allowing me to unravel my thoughts and break free from my usual mindset, helping me seeing other possibilities for eventually finding happiness again."
A full-time mother, Chinese family
"I am incredibly grateful for the guidance and support I received from Lei throughout our coaching journey. With her expertise and encouragement, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery to uncover my true talents and passions. Through thought-provoking conversations and tailored exercises, she helped me delve deep into my interests and strengths, allowing me to identify what truly ignites my passion.
Her patient and empathetic approach empowered me to explore new avenues and embrace my unique abilities with confidence. With her guidance, I gained a newfound clarity and direction in both my personal and professional pursuits. Working with Lei has been truly transformative, and I now feel more aligned with my purpose than ever before.
Thank you, Lei, for your unwavering support and belief in my potential. You have truly helped me unlock my full potential and set me on a path towards fulfillment and success."
a female young professional, working abroad